Friday, September 16, 2016

The World In It's Confusing State S#4

The World In It's Confusing State
     by: Samson

Bells ringing a tune remnant of the Cold War sound violently. Fear has spread it's wings. In an age of information, we all know nothing. World War 3. The collapse of the dollar. It seems, the human race has thrown itself against the wall, thinking it would break and we could move forward. Rather we have only descended into chaos. Beautiful chaos. Hopefully it rains on the day it all falls apart, I'd like to have one last dance, before the fun begins.

How is anyone supposed to have a firm grasp of what is happening around us? The internet, a vast network of endless information has been tainted. Endless accounts swarming our minds with the "truth" in an attempt to wake us up, all the while the mainstream media paints a different picture. Who are we to believe? No one ever provides proper evidence and it all seems likely to be fabricated. Bullshit painted onto bullshit to hide agendas. One could easily think it's all on purpose. Keep us all guessing. NWO, Russia, lizard people, the list goes on for possible answers, yet none seem to hold any true value. It's probably some mix mash of all of the above, or we, as a species, believe us to be much smarter than any of us really are, and truly no one knows what is going on. Nevertheless, information has become a trap. Especially for those like myself. We, who like to research and understand. Don't know about you, but I would certainly like to know if major war were to happen, without all of these online accounts of 'enlightened' people posting videos. Easy way to make money as so many of those out there fall into these traps.

Worst part of all of it is, every major nation in the game has a history of propaganda. Why not try to destabilize a nation before you're to go to war with it? Paint your enemy as the 'true' enemy. Is Russia really our enemy, who is to know? I wouldn't be surprised if the West really was the Archetype of Evil, the conspiracy networks want us to believe it is. Control is awfully addicting. Imagine having millions at your disposal, while you sit there on top of your tower. New age royalty.

Then there is the problem with the dollar, a so called artificially stimulated currency. I'm not going to try convince you I'm well educated in the matter. Brighter minds than I, believe we are living on a bubble about to burst. And here comes China. Actively forming a bank around the Gold Standard. Those online would have us believe this is to cripple the oil dollar, sending us into the dark ages or possibly war. It's all madness.

We have no control anymore. We are left to be puppets in a struggle I'm sure most of us are too busy to truly care about. Debt slaves without time to ponder. How can we even ask for a path towards a better life for all, when we're told to suck it up? Get one of those jobs we make up to simply keep us busy. As a society we have been crippled. No longer are our thoughts ours. No longer do we have the strength to take to the streets and demand a just way of life. Youth have been swallowed up into the pits of the internet. Following those who I haven't been able to figure out what they really benefit. Materialism is pumped into our minds, so our time is spent defending objects and commercialized 'art'. There are groups of people all around the world, as I type this, standing up to such ridiculous methods of royalty. Yet any discussion fades away within the week. These warriors are left to fend for themselves. Humanity has given up on humanness. Now we descend into chaos. Messages of non-violent protest are few. We have woken up. Nothing gets done with a sign anyway. Real change comes from igniting the chaos, and forming order through the brimstone. Maybe some fun is in the Future? I could only hope. Quite frankly we've been here before, worldly patterns we can't get past.

They leave us to wander around in this fantasy, forever questioning whether or not we need to worry. No wonder anxiety rates are always climbing. We are lost, without direction. What way does one walk? Do I purchase Gold, or bitcoin? Or does one say fuck it, and turn to the ways of the savage, taking to the streets, echoing a war call, in search of fellow warriors?

"Ah, welcome back, unless you're new, then I'd suggest you strap your brain in, we're about to launch real quick here."


FADE IN.                                                                 

A dance hall is full of leprechauns. The DJ is spinning the same beat on repeat. The leprechauns all dance.

Leprechaun #1 dances by the mirror. His gaze watches his every move. His smirk sends a tingle down his spine.

Leprechaun #2 dances behind Leprechaun #1. #2's glare watches #1's every move. Leprechaun #2's knees quiver and fists clench.

Leprechaun #3 dances in the bathroom. Her fists send shock waves throughout the stalls. She echoes the halls with her mighty roar.

Leprechaun #4 dances by the bar. He inhales beer at an unruly pace, often spilling such drinks on his self.

Leprechaun #5 dances by the wall staring at his phone. He yawns.

Leprechaun # 6 dances all across the floor, humping every other Leprechaun as she passes them. No one seems to notice.

Leprechaun # 7 dances very sneakily taking every one's bottles as they finish their beers. She hides them in the corner.

In the middle of the dance hall, hanging from the ceiling by his foot, is Steve, an average looking man.

Steve yawns.


The Camera Man pulls back from the TV set. Angle on BLAND ROOM. POV SHOT.

Pulling back from the TV, the Camera Man turns out facing the other side of the room. There sitting on a chair is Augustus, he's wearing a fake mustache.

Frank the Pineapple sits by the wall. He's puffing a hookah.

Steve paces back and forth on the other side of the room. He seems bored as he paces. Shoulders slumped over, back slightly bent.

The Camera Man walks over to Steve. He reaches out towards Steve. In the Camera Man's hand is a gun. Steve stares into the camera. The camera nods. With a SIGH, Steve takes the gun.

Steve while staring into the camera slowly fades away. His composure as it happens does not change.


"Oh, you're ready to go back, all right. The receptionist will see you out. She can validate any parking. Thanks again."


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