Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Space Monkey Chronicles #2: Tossed Into A Blender Of New Dimensions With Salvia w/ S#5

Space Monkey Chronicles #2

Disclaimer: "This actually happened. Allegedly."

I must admit, despite my history with drugs I have always avoided Salvia. It has come up over the years, and I've managed to steer clear. That is before my associate Mr. Powers came along. How could I say no to a fellow Space Monkey? A new experience is always nice to have. But before I dive in, a quick warning. A week before this night, I had blasted off to space. Timing psychedelics so close to each other is risky business. Quite frankly, it has taken me a few days to come back to reality. I've felt displaced. So what I'm trying to say is take breaks from launches, let yourself reset. All right let's dive in..

August. Friday evening.

I'm off work. Couldn't wait. Our launch of a new rocket has been planned for a week now. Mr. Cowboy calls me just in time to join in. Meets at the fresh recruit's house. Mr. Powers had found us Salvia a week prior. It's a freaky drug, which lasts for minutes, but has sent shivers down the spines of most of those who know of it. Complete disassociation. Damn, these experiments are reaching into dark waters. The deep savage lying within me feels at ease. He can't wait. On the surface, I'm a little nervous. Actually quite nervous. Although I am growing to enjoy even the darkest of trips...

Rock, paper, scissors decides our first test pilot. Mr. Powers is up. I'm second. After witnessing Mr. Powers' trip, I feel slightly more at ease. I will leave an option open for a more detailed report on his flight. Maybe through a guest write up.

The pipe reaches my hand. The fuel is loaded. Torch is lit. A deep breath, as my heart pounds.
"Fucken do it", I think, and the pipe hits my mouth. Smoke fills my lungs. I hold on as long as I can. But my rocket is a dud. Couldn't break the atmosphere. In attempt to let ground control know, laughter spews out of my mouth. Incessant laughter. One can't stop himself. The ability to speak words seem to have been replaced. A shotty attempt at sign language tries to speak out: "I need another dose". Futile it seems. And I'm back.

Mr. Cowboy is up. Again, I will leave the option open for a guest column. Their trips are theirs and I have no right to speak about them. All questions can be directed to our lawyers over at: 

I believe both Mr. Cowboy and I had misfires. But we both return for a 2nd run, at the same time. Mr. Cowboy's eyes shut and he's sent off. I'm left in wonder,
"Is it working?"
Without warning, I'm launched like a sling. My mind can't comprehend what has happened, it was too quick. I'm in a field? In shock. But part of me feels like it remains in the room. Looking down, a large hole fills my chest and standing in front of me is a dark figure holding a gun. Shock really sets in now. Throbbing fills my head. And we're off again. It seems we're stuck. Certainly we're on a version of Earth. What am I? A lamp post? A wall? A fence? It seems I'm flying through dimensions. Getting stuck and ripped out. Tossed around a cycle, unable to find where I started. I'm stretched through dimensions. Who ever is guiding me sure is forceful. I'm not sure how much longer I can take this.. my mind can't handle getting ripped through objects. The throbbing won't go away. The further I'm taken, the more lost I feel. A blender of dimensions. I can't get out. Warping in circles. Around and around.

Wait... I hear them, I can return. Almost feels like I have to catch myself. A whirlpool has me. I must reach for safety. I grab hold. I'm back. Briefly I look into the new Space Monkey's eyes. Out of my mouth comes,
"I'm tired. I do not want to be here anymore."
And my grip comes loose. The whirlpool takes me, and terror fills my head,
"What if I can't get back?"
Again I reach. My mind has been stretched has far as it can go. My anchor has shattered. This is my one my chance. I reach and pull myself out. I'm back. But I feel off. Almost removed from reality. Was a part of me lost? Or do I just need a reset..? I must rest.

I keep asking whether I'm truly here. My associates assure me I am. Doesn't feel like it. Feels like I have felt similar dimensions. The Mandela effect comes to mind. A reset will be nice. Space Monkeys must remember, rest is good. Keeps one together..................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ............zdfgsdfhdhjjyylyuktjzh\srghyarfhsertrhaethrztmjkyu;lgu99['hpp\8olzs4etwww.


"He he. Howdy to our pleasant audience. Please refrain from reaching out of the vehicle during the ride. One can never tell what could happen."


FADE IN.                                                              

Out in a grassy field and standing by his lonesome on a cold night, is Steve, an average looking man. He stands bare, no clothes to be seen.

Steve yawns. He's bored.

Out past the fence, SHOUTING can be heard. It's a farmer and his boy. What's that in the Farmer's hand?

It's a shotgun.

The Farmer aims his gun towards Steve.
I'm gunna shoot that damn queer. 
The Farmer's Boy is shocked. 
Dad, you can't! 

Can't what? 

You can't say queer anymore, dad. 


The Camera Man pulls back from the TV set. Angle on BLAND ROOM. POV SHOT.

Pulling back from the TV, the Camera Man turns out facing the other side of the room. Standing on a chair in the middle of the room is, Steve an average looking man. He's stroking a cat with a dull look about him.

A door on the side of the room , KNOCKS. The Camera Man walks over to answer the door. The door is opened out of view.

Steve is on the other side of the door. He seems bored. The Camera Man takes a step back, and turns to the middle of the room. There in the middle of the room is a cat, a rather odd looking cat, standing on a stool. The cat is stroking Steve.

The Camera Man turns back towards the door.

Steve, who is holding a gun and bearing a wide smile. takes up the whole frame.


"Oh, you're ready to go back, all right. The receptionist will see you out. She can validate any parking. Thanks again."

Thank you for taking the time to read my work, as silly as it may be, I do appreciate it. For now my brain needs a nice little reset. We did have a third outing but I may keep that one to myself. So until at least the new year I am on leave from Space Camp. Happy flying mutha fuckas.

Friday, September 16, 2016

The World In It's Confusing State S#4

The World In It's Confusing State
     by: Samson

Bells ringing a tune remnant of the Cold War sound violently. Fear has spread it's wings. In an age of information, we all know nothing. World War 3. The collapse of the dollar. It seems, the human race has thrown itself against the wall, thinking it would break and we could move forward. Rather we have only descended into chaos. Beautiful chaos. Hopefully it rains on the day it all falls apart, I'd like to have one last dance, before the fun begins.

How is anyone supposed to have a firm grasp of what is happening around us? The internet, a vast network of endless information has been tainted. Endless accounts swarming our minds with the "truth" in an attempt to wake us up, all the while the mainstream media paints a different picture. Who are we to believe? No one ever provides proper evidence and it all seems likely to be fabricated. Bullshit painted onto bullshit to hide agendas. One could easily think it's all on purpose. Keep us all guessing. NWO, Russia, lizard people, the list goes on for possible answers, yet none seem to hold any true value. It's probably some mix mash of all of the above, or we, as a species, believe us to be much smarter than any of us really are, and truly no one knows what is going on. Nevertheless, information has become a trap. Especially for those like myself. We, who like to research and understand. Don't know about you, but I would certainly like to know if major war were to happen, without all of these online accounts of 'enlightened' people posting videos. Easy way to make money as so many of those out there fall into these traps.

Worst part of all of it is, every major nation in the game has a history of propaganda. Why not try to destabilize a nation before you're to go to war with it? Paint your enemy as the 'true' enemy. Is Russia really our enemy, who is to know? I wouldn't be surprised if the West really was the Archetype of Evil, the conspiracy networks want us to believe it is. Control is awfully addicting. Imagine having millions at your disposal, while you sit there on top of your tower. New age royalty.

Then there is the problem with the dollar, a so called artificially stimulated currency. I'm not going to try convince you I'm well educated in the matter. Brighter minds than I, believe we are living on a bubble about to burst. And here comes China. Actively forming a bank around the Gold Standard. Those online would have us believe this is to cripple the oil dollar, sending us into the dark ages or possibly war. It's all madness.

We have no control anymore. We are left to be puppets in a struggle I'm sure most of us are too busy to truly care about. Debt slaves without time to ponder. How can we even ask for a path towards a better life for all, when we're told to suck it up? Get one of those jobs we make up to simply keep us busy. As a society we have been crippled. No longer are our thoughts ours. No longer do we have the strength to take to the streets and demand a just way of life. Youth have been swallowed up into the pits of the internet. Following those who I haven't been able to figure out what they really benefit. Materialism is pumped into our minds, so our time is spent defending objects and commercialized 'art'. There are groups of people all around the world, as I type this, standing up to such ridiculous methods of royalty. Yet any discussion fades away within the week. These warriors are left to fend for themselves. Humanity has given up on humanness. Now we descend into chaos. Messages of non-violent protest are few. We have woken up. Nothing gets done with a sign anyway. Real change comes from igniting the chaos, and forming order through the brimstone. Maybe some fun is in the Future? I could only hope. Quite frankly we've been here before, worldly patterns we can't get past.

They leave us to wander around in this fantasy, forever questioning whether or not we need to worry. No wonder anxiety rates are always climbing. We are lost, without direction. What way does one walk? Do I purchase Gold, or bitcoin? Or does one say fuck it, and turn to the ways of the savage, taking to the streets, echoing a war call, in search of fellow warriors?

"Ah, welcome back, unless you're new, then I'd suggest you strap your brain in, we're about to launch real quick here."


FADE IN.                                                                 

A dance hall is full of leprechauns. The DJ is spinning the same beat on repeat. The leprechauns all dance.

Leprechaun #1 dances by the mirror. His gaze watches his every move. His smirk sends a tingle down his spine.

Leprechaun #2 dances behind Leprechaun #1. #2's glare watches #1's every move. Leprechaun #2's knees quiver and fists clench.

Leprechaun #3 dances in the bathroom. Her fists send shock waves throughout the stalls. She echoes the halls with her mighty roar.

Leprechaun #4 dances by the bar. He inhales beer at an unruly pace, often spilling such drinks on his self.

Leprechaun #5 dances by the wall staring at his phone. He yawns.

Leprechaun # 6 dances all across the floor, humping every other Leprechaun as she passes them. No one seems to notice.

Leprechaun # 7 dances very sneakily taking every one's bottles as they finish their beers. She hides them in the corner.

In the middle of the dance hall, hanging from the ceiling by his foot, is Steve, an average looking man.

Steve yawns.


The Camera Man pulls back from the TV set. Angle on BLAND ROOM. POV SHOT.

Pulling back from the TV, the Camera Man turns out facing the other side of the room. There sitting on a chair is Augustus, he's wearing a fake mustache.

Frank the Pineapple sits by the wall. He's puffing a hookah.

Steve paces back and forth on the other side of the room. He seems bored as he paces. Shoulders slumped over, back slightly bent.

The Camera Man walks over to Steve. He reaches out towards Steve. In the Camera Man's hand is a gun. Steve stares into the camera. The camera nods. With a SIGH, Steve takes the gun.

Steve while staring into the camera slowly fades away. His composure as it happens does not change.


"Oh, you're ready to go back, all right. The receptionist will see you out. She can validate any parking. Thanks again."


Wednesday, September 14, 2016

My Battle With Anxiety and Magnesium’s Role Towards A Better Life

My Battle With Anxiety And Magnesium's Role Towards A Better Life

by: Samson

Anxiety. We all deal with it in our daily lives. Unfortunately for roughly 18 % of the population, (1) their anxiety is over active and people are suffering in their own homes. I was and still am, to a lesser degree, one of those people. Suffering alone.  Stuck within my own head, without any visible escape. That is until I read a report about Magnesium's link to anxiety.   
Magnesium plays a vital role within our bodies. Regulating protein synthesis, blood pressure, muscle and nerve function, and over 300 other systems. (2) Sounds rather important doesn’t it? What if I told you Anxiety isn’t the only symptom either. Insomnia, psychosis, migraines, inflammation, asthma, vascular disease, and diabetes, can all start from a magnesium deficiency. (3) Unfortunately our soil lacks the mineral in modern times. Thus food which is supposed to be packed full, is lacking any at all. This has lead to a theory that says Magnesium may be the cause to the ever increasing numbers of mental illness, including anxiety and depression. (4)
How do you tell if you’re deficient? One of the first red flags is cravings. Oh how I used to love and die for chocolate, just could not get away from it. As it turns out chocolate contains a large amount of Magnesium, and when our bodies needs Magnesium, it tends to crave chocolate. (5) Other clues are shakiness, cramping, eyes twitching, constipation, and insomnia. I’m sure a doctor could inform you as well.
So what do you do? A diet full of green veggies and nuts is supposed to be enough, although as said before, our soil is also deficient. Fortunately supplementation is easy and is still cheap to do. A bottle of Magnesium drops goes for $20 on amazon. You do have to be careful which form of Magnesium you buy though, as certain forms have a lesser absorption rate and play a different vital role than others. Magnesium Chloride helps if you’re also constipated quite often, and Magnesium Glyinate is better for our muscles and can be used to relax our bodies. (6) Either option is fine for deficiency. Be careful though, as Magnesium Chloride will make you poop! If you’re already regular avoid Magnesium Chloride.
I do have to say this… supplementing is only the beginning. I wouldn’t call Magnesium a cure. It’s more like an aid, which will allow you to manage your stress and keep yourself calm. Anxiety is a natural component of life. Only now we don’t have to let it control us. I’ve been supplementing Magnesium into my diet for over 6 months now and I don’t plan on stopping. I went from over thinking everything and being barely able to speak to people I barely know, to embracing who I am, and found a passion I never thought I could attempt in the process. I can go out and do job interviews without looking like a nervous wreck, and I can speak my mind to people without fear of judgement. Life no longer looks like a depressive tale of hopelessness. And it all started with Magnesium. I hope this knowledge helps some of you, as it has helped me.
1. 3.
5. 6.


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Wasted Potential Of Modern Young Adults

The Wasted Potential of Modern Young Adults
    by: Samson Jay

September, 2016. The world couldn't be in a worse place than it is now. Debt. War. Starvation. Hate. The list goes on. We have allowed those above us to hinder us to the point where no one can succeed anymore. What happened to the American Dream? A free life for everyone, where we can be who ever we want to be. No, instead we get a non-stop news cycle feeding us fear, making us believe we need objects and status to be happy. Anxiety, depression, and poverty has taken us over. We have been controlled to the point of massive break down. Instead of prosperity, we have heroin, meth, cocaine, and alcohol, to feeds us a make believe life so we think everything is all right. I have sat back and watched for too long, as my friends and fellow citizens suffer in a world not made for them to truly fit into. Why is this the way it has be? Every time we raise our voice we're told to suck it up, as if we're the problem. We're not the problem. It's not our fault the previous generations fell into the brainwashing trap that is our society.
"Oh, you should just be glad you're working".
A generation of waitresses and gas attendants, who have been promised the world, only to enter such world and be beaten down until they're defenseless. We're molded into one track minds. Programmed to do a single task for hours on end, just to be thrown away once it's our time for a raise. Never allowed to progress up the ladder, as we're stuck as entry level robots. Then when all we try to do is cope, they lock us away for having a bad night or smoking marijuana.
Now is our time to be alive. It's not our fault the older generations wasted their moment. We do not have to follow their path to slavery. I for one am tired of watching my friends suffer. This isn't right. We are in the golden years of our lives and we are left to rot away. For what? So some bankers can make more money, and fight more wars. Our generation has led the movement to the greatest amount of change in society. It was us who accepted everyone as they were. I'm not even going to acknowledge the disgusting things I have heard from the older generations. Bullshit like, nuking the Middle East, as if that would solve anything.
We are the generation of survivors. We have battled our way through mental conditions unlike any generation before us. Now is our time to take a stand and fight for what is right in the world. We are warriors, we are lovers, and this is our time to shine.

Monday, September 12, 2016


Space Monkey Chronicles #1

Disclaimer: "This actually happened. Allegedly."

Noon. August.
Summer is at an end. Since work has become complicated, why not have a nice little space visit? House would be empty, as everyone went to the fair for the day, and half a tab of magic is left over from my trip. Never done acid before in my own house.

As I come up, I play a few of my favorite sets, until a shower starts to sound like a good idea. An hour later, I'm breaking myself down in the tub, does one good. Luckily after 7 hours of tripping by my lonesome, I'm able to escape my place. An invite has come along my way. Some fellow Space Monkeys are meeting up.

I have to drive my self. The half tab is still dancing along my mind. At first I'm filled with doubt, can I drive like this? Find out it's not as hard as I thought it would be. Driving on no sleep was a tad tricky, on acid, I am one with the car gliding through the streets in my space ship. Finding where I had to go was a different story though. Lost, I am, driving in circles. No way of contacting those I seek. Luckily they move to an easier location to find.

We gather beneath the stars. Tales of past savagery are heard, from days without responsibilities or consequence. How times have changed..  A band of true savages were we. Our poor little town, they didn't see us coming. Raiders, drunken with madness, crashing upon unsuspecting do-gooders only looking to relax. Drunken nights where we pushed our welcome away, only to come back fighting, with a touch of insanity. I'd be lying, if I said such times didn't fill one with life. Now, our group seems to be merely resting. Most other savages in this very town have either died out or fallen out of sanity. To relive the old days though... Now that brings a savory taste to my palette.

2 am. The meetup is to end. Despite taking another full tab from Mr. Irish, I take my chance to get home. I want to trigger my HPPD and marijuana is my quickest option, for I have a mission. Few times before I have come across a portal. I want to see what's within this portal. Now, this is always late at night, when I'm blitzed on pot usually. See, HPPD has turned weed into a psychedelic, with higher dosages. It is theorized that this is due to heavy psychedelic use. Like many philosophers before me, I'd like to explore whatever this happens to be. Quite frankly, psychs have allowed me to explore the deepest depths within my mind, why not see what such portals have to offer.

Lights off, and I lay down. Breathing exercises to relax the body. A feeling of energy flows from my feet to my hands. I leave my eyes open. The portal appears, starting as a small orb of light. Floating about above my bed. Focusing on the orb, I reach out for it. My breathing continues. Soon the orb stops all movement and begins to open. A rainbow of energy flows, growing wider as my focus tightens. There's a battle to keep my breathing steady. My body fights what is happening, although I manage to keep calm. The portal now stable, looking like an oblong orb of light encased within flowing energy of all the colors of the rainbow. I'm pulled in. A tunnel of energy carries me away, but where am I going, I have no idea? In my attempt to see where I'm going, I lose focus. Briefly I'm back in my room. Stay focused. Back to the portal. My breath steadies. Again I'm lost to the portal. Arms slowly fade to nothing. Soon, all of my body is gone. I am within the Universe. Floating. Time is gone. Thoughts are gone. I am left to observe the Universe. It is a beautiful sight, as a galaxy, far out beyond what I comprehend, radiates light to shine through the Universe to guide my path. Suddenly I understand how small we all are, felt rather peaceful. A part of me fights though. After an unknowable amount of time, I am back in my bed. Piece by piece I reform. Same position as I left in. All attempts to reestablish the portal are to waste, for I have not the strength. My eyes close. All of my energy has been spent. Feels like I had a great workout. In seconds I'm unconscious, the night is over.

"We must apologize, it seems we once again have to take a short break from your regular programming. All is well though. Do not fear. We will take good care of you.."



A butterfly flies across the screen. The majestic butterfly with wings of snowflakes soars above an active volcano.

On top of the butterfly is Steve, an average looking man, sitting in a chair. Steve seems bored.

Out from nowhere, Ninjas jump at Steve. Upon landing, they take turns kicking Steve. High kicks. Low kicks. None of the kicks have an affect on Steve though. He remains bored, even yawns.

The Ninjas don't give up easily though, now they're kicking and punching. High kick. Low punch. Insane combos. Yet, Steve remains bored. Again he yawns.

Steve snaps his fingers. The majestic butterfly nods it's head, and dive bombs towards the lava.


The Camera Man pulls back from the TV set. Angle on BLAND ROOM. POV SHOT.

Pulling back from the TV, the Camera Man turns out facing the other side of the room. There sitting in the middle of the room on a chair, is Steve, an average looking man. Squirrels are playing basketball on top of Steve's head.

Steve sits, lost in thought.

The squirrels can't manage to score a basket.

The Camera Man, grabs a fold-out chair from the side of the room and sits down. His arm appears on the screen as he checks the time. He TAPS his foot.

The door, that's suddenly beside the Camera Man, KNOCKS. Three large men enter the room. They walk over to Steve. One of them holds up a picture of a plant.

Steve shrugs and points his fingers, like a gun, towards the Camera Man. The three men each nod, then walk over to the Camera Man.

One of them holds up a picture of plant. The screen shakes. The three men frown and give each other a nod.

A punch comes flying towards the screen. Static.


"Welcome back, that wasn't too bad now was it? You can now return to your regular programming."

Thank you for reading, this was test flight number 1. After I regain my strength, future launches will be planned. Meditation will be required as I retrain my body. I believe I must be in balance before a stable launch will be held. For now I can only theorize where I could of went.

"We have been born into a world which forms our minds into prisons. Set yourself free from yourself and bliss is within reach. "

Up next, salvia...


Thursday, September 8, 2016

N-FT #2: Greed's Sticky Hands

Thoughts Of The Unfiltered Kind #2

Billions of dollars taken from we, the consumers, stashed away in bank accounts never to be used. Heaps of gold slung around our necks and wrists. Walls of collectibles, never to taste fresh air. Greed is all around us, smiling, as he takes control of our desires. Sadly, nothing is off limits, banking, entertainment, and especially our  materialistic tendencies. He has made us into addicted lab rats, fiending for the next biggest thing. Greed feeds greed you see. We obsess over products, thus feeding our overlords, the corporations. Let's take movies for example, the one billion dollar mark. A goal studios have been targeting ever since  The Titanic. They've been reaching ever so closer until recently. The vigorous smell must be driving the studios mad. They keep shooting.

I'm not sure how much money they think we, the masses, have to spend. Week by week, they attempt to brain wash us into our seats. Advertisements blasting at us from every direction. Buses, buildings, newspapers, all pointing towards their money siphoning stations. Sugar! Action! tits! Who wasn't addicted at one point? Prices soared due to studios forcing bigger budgets, bigger budgets cut down on production time, sequels are released annually, and remakes follow suit. All to suck out our hard earned cash.

All of this, to hit the one billion. Only they blew their piston. Now they can't even hit their minimal marks. Budgets are too high, and movies are too plenty. Quite frankly they've been boring, as anyone can see the rehashed story lines. See, Greed has caused the death of art in movies. The industry is nothing more than a machine turned too high. Greed has milked the film industry to death, but its not just the industry's fault. We were there, demanding more from the studios. They merely listened. Lust decided to tango with Greed, and we were all lost. Celebrities became idols. Fantasies have swallowed fans, whose desires have been exploited. Our lives have been intertwined to these upper classes, so we're speaking our Overlord's single language, money.

Greed keeps us spinning. Walking around and around, it's damn maddening. One can't get away from it. Our society has dived right into the murky mud, making up consumerism. Images imprinted into our brains. Their attempt to keep us spending. They can't build a self-sustaining economy and keep their pockets full without us spending, all we have to do is take a step back. Their mark is everywhere. Products are built to break, as they need you to want to buy that next edition. Cures are lost to pills. Sick people means more money exchanging hands. Profit is the name of the game, and profit is holding this Planet back. Who knows where we would be if we hadn't developed a money-dependent system. To think, little digits on a screen will keep us from true, unbiased knowledge, hope for the deathly ill, or even a just Justice Department. But hey, it's all right, we have retirement, a nice house, and hopefully lots of vacations to look foreword to, right?

It seems like we're all aware of Greed's nature here in our society. Everyone complains of not having enough. Money is a topic often spoken within groups. We all need more, but we refuse to end our chat with the Overlords. Is it really our fault though? Our brains have been toyed with. They have found ways to make our brains sing while in their stores. Reward centers dance like those giving favor to the gods. Always rewarded, always spending. It's how we stay stuck. Trends keep us coming back. Then we go out and defend our purchases, as if they create who we are. Only, a community of individuals will cloud the skies when thou are stuck in the shadow of Greed.

"Oh, hello. Please relax. Your brain will have a much more pleasant experience if one is relaxed."




The screen is black, except for bright lasers flashing across the screen. HEAVY TECHNO MUSIC plays. 

The beat gets faster as time goes forward. 

Slowly appearing on the screen. Starting from her golden blond hair down to her studded boots, is a rather large Woman. As the screen pans down further, Steve, an average looking man, is sitting with his face to the ground and his butt to the sky. 

The Women is slapping his butt along side the beat of the music.

Together they jiggle to the beat. Faster and faster. Further down we go. 


The Camera Man pulls back from the TV set. Angle on BLAND ROOM. POV SHOT.

Pulling back from the TV, the Camera Man turns out facing the other side of the room. In the middle of the room is Steve, an average looking man, sitting in a chair. In front of Steve is a table. On the two sides of the table is sitting, Frank the Pineapple, wearing his favorite shades, and the Camera Man. 

The Camera at the table faces the Camera Man in front of  the TV. They stare at each other without movement. 

In the corner of the Shot. Frank pulls out cocaine. 
All right. Who's in? 

Frank turns towards Steve.

Steve nods his head upwards. 

The Camera Men are still staring at each other.

The Camera Man at the table turns towards the table. Camera Man by the TV centers the SHOT on the table. Camera Man by the table, puts his camera nose first onto the table. SNORTING can be heard. The camera snorts a line of blow. 

Steve puts his finger onto the table and snorts a line through his finger. He seems bored the whole time he does it. 

A straw pops out of Frank, right under his favorite shades. Frank snorts a line. 

Frank starts shaking. Frank explodes. 

"Oh, how pleasant, you made it back. Well, we now free you to your regular programming." 

Thank you for reading my thoughts, all is appreciated.



A Sound of Trumpets

I'd like to start things off with a question, have you ever tucked yourself in, and told yourself, you didn't care if you woke up? If this sort of content disturbs you, or you would rather have a better day, then you should stop reading here. There may be some positivity near the end though. Wink, wink.

My life feels like I've been having a mental breakdown for the last 5 years. 5 years... Well 5 in December. Little anniversary of cannon balling straight into a bottle of GHB. Down in minutes, and then to the hospital. Stopped breathing. I am blessed to still be here, one thought I keep handy. To be honest, I was a monster digging a hole straight to the depths themselves. Sudden realization must of been like a shotgun blast to the mind. To quote Mr. Robot,
"People walk around acting like they know what hate means. Nah. No one does until you hate yourself... I mean, truly hate yourself.

All that being said, I can't even remember what I felt like back then, anymore. Who was I? Why did I do such things? It's almost like I was hibernating and some other person carried on, and sought out destruction. All I remember is the loss of feeling. It's been on and off. Until a little while ago, I was again gone. Lost to who knows where. Fuck, I even had someone stare me in the eyes and ask, "you do feel, right?" What is there one could say in such situation? But here I am again, crawling out of the pit I've been digging my whole life. It's all me. I've caused my life to crash at least 3 times now. Drugs sure have helped, yet they've also helped pull me out. Odd double standard. Somethings I've learned over the years of crashing are, chaos leads to change and order leads to stability. One must destroy their corrupted life before they can be free.

I can't tell when I went to bed, like I woke from a coma. I can remember my greatest of times, those moments when I was allowed joy, but most memories from the past few years are blurry. Hard to even concentrate on them. Part of me feels like they don't even exist. Blissful, I must say. Now I can think on the positive. Like this, here I am typing out my thoughts, and there you are reading what I write, thus understanding how I think. A doorway to my inner most brain. Never knew this door even existed until two years ago. Sad thing is, this whole state of mind has hindered relationships across the board. I get a sense that people don't even know who I am anymore. Well you all can join the club. Maybe we can find out together? To be absolutely honest, I am quite content. I feel new and improved. Now the journey can continue.

Monday, September 5, 2016

N-FT - Lust's Little Finger

No-Filter Thoughts #1

Lust has its grasp everywhere we can see. Quite a few of us are addicted to ourselves, and thus we can not connect with anyone to feel the true taste of love. Instead, we pursue passion to fill in this hole. And by Valhalla, it is a fun pursuit. An elegant tango performed by two savages lost in the heat of passion. Sex has become an art form. Take a peek at most animals. Fucking, to them, is a task to be done. Humans have changed the essence of a task and molded it into an ever branching tree of passion. Although where one can see art another can see perversion. One can become lost in sex as it becomes the essence of their life. The one thing they cling on to in hopes of a connection. It's merely an addictive poison now.

Sadly we seem to be losing our sense of love. Left in its wake merely Lust. The drive for more. A blast of passion soars across the brain. Dopamine. The Devil's handyman. Keeps you coming back. Your addiction nothing more than a revolving door. See we can lust for things beyond sex now. That's how far the Devil has sunk his teeth into our little playground. We lust over vehicles, celebrities, even chasing the dragon is, in itself, lust. You crave that peak you once reached. Unbeknownst to us, every time we caught the dragon, a new one was born. The cycle of lust continues. It's a loop were encased in. No way out. The crave will never leave. For we are mere mortals trying to understand the will of Gods.

Why is it, to be full of sin, even a bad thing? To break down silly conventions holding us back from pure savageness, Lust, as said before, can be delightful. The problem is, there are those who like to explore and there are those who like to settle. Sadly these two types don't mix well and often critique the other for not living their life in the right fashion. I say fuck it. Let those who want to marry, marry, and let those who want to pursue the dragon of lust, venture forth. For no experience is a bad experience. It's merely our perception of things that tell us how to think, which fucks it all up. See, we can take a sin like Lust as a poison or a gift. Lust was handed to us, whether intentions were for evil or for free will is up to your own perception. Quite frankly to have the good, we must have the bad as well. While others feel the sense of passion, some are bound to grow sick, from their pursuits. I mean that in the mental sense but it works for physical as well.

Moderation is key, I guess. As a man who has distanced himself from the hive mind for a good while now, I can see the affect Porn, is having. The very life blood of Lust. Porn. It has plagued men for decades, yet can be rather liberating when a female watches, so I've heard. Slowly it grew. To now, where everyone openly speaks of it. Which is, in of itself, both liberating and frightening. At what point do we stop the entire pursuit of love or passion, and take the easy road? Sadly this liberation has a cost. Actresses are lost to new addictions. Meth runs rampant in the industry. Yet we continue to celebrate. Porn for everyone. Quite frankly, any good look at what appears on the front page is disturbing. Went from MILFs to Step Daughters; a whole venue of incest is displayed. How is this free will now? We went too far. Now liberty has turned around and formed into corruption. I can't imagine that watching Step - whatever Porn would be good for anyone unstable and living in those situations. Yet we don't care. Every year, rates of usage only climbs further. Young Women are convinced to join in for large amounts of money. Sure, why not once..?  Only, I see advertisements for such set ups creeping across Craigslist in almost every city. They call for 'Models'. And with tuition prices increasing, students have found Porn to be a good avenue to pay for school. Now you have broke female students, in desperation to finish a degree, being portrayed through such disturbing content. Porn could be a healthy practice, except it is filled with deceit and disturbing material. Porn is how Lust has become evil. Men have been desensitized for years now. Women are slowly catching up. Sadly, Porn's reach has grown to the point where there are Men groups, for addiction. But how does one remove sin from their life? For to break one sin only opens our eyes to the other 6. All are in play and only the sound of violins can be heard now.

So why not take a dip into the pool of Lust? See where our Humanness, can bring us? Open the bottle that is your passion, and taste true Lust. For a lustful tango takes two free savages, who have let go from attachment, only beware, for Lust will separate us from the very things we still love, if taken too far. And the pursuit can damage those around us, especially those who we let in close. Love and Lust, despite being sisters, will only clash with each other. Yet both will lead us into their deepest levels, where it is very easy to become lost.

"Hello, we are now going to remove you from your current programming. Please sit down and relax. Your adjustment will happen naturally."

"Welcome to the World of Steve!"


Steve, an average looking man, sits in a chair. The room he is in, is rather bland and small. He's sitting in the middle of the room.

Across from Steve is a TV set.

Steve blinks slowly. He seems bored, due to the static on the TV.

The channel is flipped. Static.

The channel is flipped. Static.

In the back corner of the room, Augustus sits.

Steve is unfazed by Augustus's words. 

Hey Steve. Could you change the channel? I've seen this one. 


The Camera Man pulls back from the TV set. Angle on BLAND ROOM. POV SHOT.

Pulling back from the TV, the Camera Man turns out facing the other side of the room. On the ceiling of the room is a chair. Behind the chair is Steve, an average looking Man. Steve peaks out from behind the chair, and aims his fingers like a gun towards the Camera Man. 


The Camera Man jumps to the side of the room and faces the TV. The Police are banging on the TV screen. 
Police. Open up or we'll kick it down.

The Camera Man twists his camera to the right. Augustus takes up the whole screen. He reaches through the screen and covers your mouth. In a soft Arabian accent he speaks:

Shhhh. It doesn't matter. 

"We now return you to your normal programming. Thank you for participating." 

Thank you for taking your time out of your day to indulge on my thoughts. If you're interested o reading anything else I write, then please follow me over on
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