Wednesday, September 14, 2016

My Battle With Anxiety and Magnesium’s Role Towards A Better Life

My Battle With Anxiety And Magnesium's Role Towards A Better Life

by: Samson

Anxiety. We all deal with it in our daily lives. Unfortunately for roughly 18 % of the population, (1) their anxiety is over active and people are suffering in their own homes. I was and still am, to a lesser degree, one of those people. Suffering alone.  Stuck within my own head, without any visible escape. That is until I read a report about Magnesium's link to anxiety.   
Magnesium plays a vital role within our bodies. Regulating protein synthesis, blood pressure, muscle and nerve function, and over 300 other systems. (2) Sounds rather important doesn’t it? What if I told you Anxiety isn’t the only symptom either. Insomnia, psychosis, migraines, inflammation, asthma, vascular disease, and diabetes, can all start from a magnesium deficiency. (3) Unfortunately our soil lacks the mineral in modern times. Thus food which is supposed to be packed full, is lacking any at all. This has lead to a theory that says Magnesium may be the cause to the ever increasing numbers of mental illness, including anxiety and depression. (4)
How do you tell if you’re deficient? One of the first red flags is cravings. Oh how I used to love and die for chocolate, just could not get away from it. As it turns out chocolate contains a large amount of Magnesium, and when our bodies needs Magnesium, it tends to crave chocolate. (5) Other clues are shakiness, cramping, eyes twitching, constipation, and insomnia. I’m sure a doctor could inform you as well.
So what do you do? A diet full of green veggies and nuts is supposed to be enough, although as said before, our soil is also deficient. Fortunately supplementation is easy and is still cheap to do. A bottle of Magnesium drops goes for $20 on amazon. You do have to be careful which form of Magnesium you buy though, as certain forms have a lesser absorption rate and play a different vital role than others. Magnesium Chloride helps if you’re also constipated quite often, and Magnesium Glyinate is better for our muscles and can be used to relax our bodies. (6) Either option is fine for deficiency. Be careful though, as Magnesium Chloride will make you poop! If you’re already regular avoid Magnesium Chloride.
I do have to say this… supplementing is only the beginning. I wouldn’t call Magnesium a cure. It’s more like an aid, which will allow you to manage your stress and keep yourself calm. Anxiety is a natural component of life. Only now we don’t have to let it control us. I’ve been supplementing Magnesium into my diet for over 6 months now and I don’t plan on stopping. I went from over thinking everything and being barely able to speak to people I barely know, to embracing who I am, and found a passion I never thought I could attempt in the process. I can go out and do job interviews without looking like a nervous wreck, and I can speak my mind to people without fear of judgement. Life no longer looks like a depressive tale of hopelessness. And it all started with Magnesium. I hope this knowledge helps some of you, as it has helped me.
1. 3.
5. 6.


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